Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Long Lost Family

Every hear of this show???

Probably not except...

If you have been affected by adoption, you have and you have cried your way through every episode and probably watched them more than once.

Yes the show contacted me back in June. At that point I had already experienced the second rejection.  I had found and "been found" and she was not ready to meet me. I didn't respond to the e-mail.

I'm thinking of contacting them. You see our searches are all different. In an hour you can see 2 families affected by adoption happily and tearfully reunited.

As those of you who have been following my story know...... that doesn't always happen. Not all journeys end in reunion. I've watched all these shows over the years like the money hungry Troy the locator, and Lost and Found and countless others.  The general public wants to see happy endings, I get that.

But I'm here to say that you can still be happy when the apparent ending isn't a joyful reunion. Those of you who are reading this need to know that you can be "happy" in life even if you never find your missing person. You see... I'm happy, yes those who know me know that I just have that innate effervescence, and I was truly devastated by the shut door, but my life is a fantastic one. I've had loss and sadness and have suffered....but I've had joy, happiness, peace, love, goodness, mercy and grace.

So I plan on writing back the show. The 2 hosts are both adoptees in a happy reunion... but they need to just be reminded to tell a story of those of us who are happy without a reunion. To give hope of a happy life even if they don't.

(by the way I'm going to be a grandma this year.... I will be blogging about how that feels next time... the concept of more people who are a part of me is mind blowing)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I love the show, but the reality isn't as simple as they present. They need to address some of the complications. Some people's stories may need to carry through 2 or more episodes perhaps. They should do a "Where are they now?" episode to check in with those reunited. Congrats on the upcoming grandparent event! How exciting!
