However, for my birthday my mother-in-law gave me some money. Having just moved and going through 30 years of stuff there really wasn't anything I wanted. A few months ago my cousin had called me and suggested that I do a DNA test with one of the advertised companies. This idea mulled around in my head and so when I got the money was having a sale of the tests for I sent away for one.
The test arrived while I was in Guatemala so had to wait til I got home to send it out. I spit in the tude, mixed up the solution and sent it out.
What was I expecting.... I don't really know... Maybe a back door into this family that hasn't acknowledged my existence, maybe a hope that one of them was registered with Ancestry, what I do know is that I was hoping for some kind of closure or confirmation of what I believed to be true.
This past Wednesday I received the results (2 weeks before they said I would have them). Fortunately it was my day off so I could sit at the computer and figure this all out. No I didn't spend all day doing this but I quickly got through my morning devotionals and cup of coffee and opened up the link.
There it was my results....
- 67% Great Britain
- 21% Ireland
- 3% Italy/Greece
Really no surprise there... the 67% Great Britain is from Scotland and the Irish is from Ulster. This confirms some things... freckles and fair skin my have been a give away... if only the 3% mediterranean would have given me the ability to tan better...
Next part (understand I will not be giving names out just non identifying information 😉) are a list of "cousins" of various degrees. And there ther were two 2nd cousins. Now in order to contact them I had to start my free trial of Ancestry (they get you every time) so of course I have 30 days for all my answers. I quickly sent out 2 messages to them asking if there were any Robinsons in there family tree.

The new found cousin has already done a family tree on Ancestry and I have shown him a branch that can be filled it... I'm a part of a branch. A blood line... For those of you who are not adopted, you may not get this or understand what this means... but my adopted friends.... you know... this is hunormous.
So right now I still hope for the day of reunion with my immediate birth family, but for now finding an extended family that calls me cuz... is such a mind blower
So be blessed... Hopefully there will be more to the story...
to be continued
Very cool, Pattie! Happy for this newest development!